Croeso i Wefan YGG Aberdar. Don't forget we break up for the Summer this Friday. School starts for everyone on Tuesday 3rd of September. Have a lovely Summer everyone!
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Ysgol G.G. AberdarCyd Dynnu Gwir Lwyddiant

Croeso iYsgol G.G. AberdarCyd Dynnu Gwir Lwyddiant

Amseroedd Agor/Opening Times + Term Times

  • Clwb Brecwast / Breakfast Club 8.15-8.30am
  • School Starts at 8.45am
  • Resgister closes at 9.05am (pupils who arrive between 9.05 and 9.30 are recorded as late)
  • Lunch Nursery/Reception 11.30am
  • Lunch Yrs 1/2 12noon
  • Lunch Junior Department 12.30pm
  • School Ends at 3.05 N-Yr2 - 3.15pm all Junior Classes

Presenoldeb / Attendance

Term Times 2023-24

