Croeso i Wefan YGG Aberdar. New resorces being added daily to Plant/Children - Class Pages - Reading. Next INSET Friday 25/10/24.
Home Page

Ysgol G.G. AberdarCyd Dynnu Gwir Lwyddiant

Croeso iYsgol G.G. AberdarCyd Dynnu Gwir Lwyddiant


Welcome to the YGG Aberdâr PTA page.


We're fortunate at our school to have a PTA that is and has been an integral part of the school community for many years. In its time the PTA has raised thousands of pounds, which has been spent on equipment and resources to enhance our children's education experience and the school’s facilities.


Yet our PTA is about much more than simply fundraising.  The PTA exists to provide closer links between home and school and it's an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially in support of the school, working towards a common goal.  All families are automatically members of the YGG Aberdâr PTA when their child joins the school and all parents and members of the school community are encouraged to get involved, even if they only have a small amount of time available to give.


We have also, over time, developed good links with the local community and are always well supported by both residents and businesses, for which we are very grateful.  Many of our local shops are very generous providing donations for raffle prizes and some have taken part in our Christmas and Summer Fayres.  We are also extremely grateful to the local businesses who have participated in charity matched giving schemes.  This has made a huge difference to our fundraising efforts.  



Role of the Committee


Our PTA committee consists of three Officers: Chair, Treasurer and Secretary.  We also have between 5 and 10 ordinary committee members to make up the full committee. 


The PTA meet on a regular basis usually once or twice per term, with smaller working groups meeting as necessary when we are planning larger events.


Our Annual General Meeting is held in September and provides an opportunity for parents to come along and hear in more detail about the work of the PTA, the events we've run, the funds we've raised and how the money has been spent.  It's also when we elect our new committee members.



How you can get involved


There are lots of ways you can help and support your child through the PTA.  


Offering to help before events or at other times during the year is so valuable.  It doesn’t matter if you can’t help on a regular basis, or even if you can't come into school.  There are always jobs that can be done from home if you have half an hour to spare e.g. wrapping gifts, preparing raffle tickets etc.  We really couldn’t achieve what we do without the behind the scenes help that we receive. 


If you would like to be more involved you can volunteer at any time.   All help is gratefully received!


To keep up to date with the PTA there is a Face book page.  Search “Y.G.G.Aberdar PTA”

or type in


You can also get in touch by email


Diolch / Thank you
